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Desperately need your help, 10wk old with spinal cord injury

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 11:36 pm
by nickbrain

I'm new to this board and really need all of the help and wisdom I've seen displayed in the posts I've read so far. I took on from a young rehabber a 10 week old male squirrel that sustained a spinal cord injury about a week ago (was in an indoor cage with his brother - no idea how it happened). He has no use of his back legs, no apparent pain reflex, and his bladder needs to be expressed. I have X-rays, history of the minimal treatment he received since onset of injury, and answers to every question I could think to ask. He's feisty, eating well and would I really just like to give him a chance. "Daddy Squirrel", very interested in the PT program you wrote about in an earlier post. Would also like some input as to med route to go at this point.
So who's in to assist on this journey?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

References: ... f=9&t=1387
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