Find contact details for people and services relevant to the SpinalHub community. You can suggest contacts and we'll post it on this page.
Support, Equipment and Funding
Accommodation & Care Solutions (ACARES) is a specialist disability care provider supporting individuals with complex care needs who have sustained spinal cord injuries and require support in home or in accommodation setting.
Provides quality support to people with a disability in their own homes and local communities across Victoria.
Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.
Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.
- Peer Support
- Mentoring
- WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
- Country Community Networks
CAPS is an Australian Government scheme that provides a payment to assist eligible people who have permanent and severe incontinence to meet some of the costs of their incontinence products. The payment is made by Medicare directly into clients bank account.
Provides a range of specialty services in the areas of community services, rehabilitation, aged care, residential care and aged mental health. In addition, the hospital has a statewide role in the provision of rehabilitiation services to people throughout Victoria.
The Department of Health & Human Services is committed to achieving the best health and well being for all Victorians.
Financial assistance, accommodation options, community involvement and other supports and services for people with a disability, their families and carers.
Public housing, social housing, disability supported accommodation services and other accommodation related support for victorians most in need.
Holistic provider of quality products & services to the healthcare industry in Australia.
Design & manufacture quality home care beds, hospital beds and associated equipment.
Fisher Lane offers professional, reliable and caring service to the mobility and rehabilitation industry by supplying a wide range of products and equipment, either for sale, hire or through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Provides support to people with disabilities and older people to remain independent at home. Independence Australia has support workers throughout Victoria who are qualified, have police reference checks and hold current first aid qualifications.
Supplier of continence pads, wound care products and health & well being products that supoprt people\'s level of independence within the community.
Leading providers of information and advice on an extensive range of assistive technology that can help individuals improve their quality of life and remain independent.
Our services support people with disability to live their lives with greater choice, in ways to maximise their participation and contribution. Our specialist suite of disabilty services support people to:
- Communicate and interact;
- Manage and understand behaviour; and
- Access the community for work, education, sport & leisure.
Quality producer of a wide range of wheelchairs.
Specialises in providing the very best in wheelchair technology for children & adults.
The SOS consists of a Nurse, Occupational Therapist and a Physiotherapist.
Its objectives are to:
- reduce the risks of developing complications associated with SCI
- prevent an admission to Austin Health as a result of complications
- prevent emergency presentations to Austin Health as a result of complications
- increase planned admissions
- increase use of DTC reviews
- increase referrals to HITH & other treatment option
- better understand complication risk factors associated with SCI
- build a better understanding in the community of SCI and ongoing management
Studley Road Heideberg . T 03 9496 5351.
Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.
Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.
- Peer Support
- Mentoring
- WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
- Country Community Networks
PO Box 1993 Bakery Hill . T 1300 747 937 or 03 5333 8100. F 03 5333 8111.
1 Yarra Boulevard Kew . T 03 9853 8655 or 1300 663 243.
people with a disability.
The TAC is a Victorian Government-owned organisation set up in 1986. Its role is to pay for treatment and benefits for people injured in transport accidents. It is also involved in promoting road safety in Victoria and in improving Victoria's trauma system.
The Victorian Spinal Cord Service at Austin Health is one of six such specialist services in Australia. It provides acute management, inpatient rehabilitation and long term consultation and support for people who sustain traumatic and some non-traumatic spinal cord injuries from Victoria, Tasmania and the Riverina of NSW. It forms part of Victoria’s State Trauma System.
- Clinical enquiries:
Acute spinal ward (Austin Hospital): 9496 5213
Rehab spinal ward (Royal Talbot): 9490 7261
Spinal Outpatients (Austin Campus): 9496 5169
- Administration enquiries:
Medical Director (PA): 9496 5220
General Manager: 9496 4986
New South Wales
Accommodation & Care Solutions (ACARES) is a specialist disability care provider supporting individuals with complex care needs who have sustained spinal cord injuries and require support in home post hospital/rehab.
88 Foveaux Street Surry Hills . T 1300 675 893 . F 03 9598 4360.
Assistance Dogs Australia trains Labradors and Golden Retrievers to help people with physical disabilities.
PO Box 786 Tumut . T 1800 029 904.
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is all about promoting independence, and continues today with a proud history of providing consumer based support to people with physical disabilities. Our journey began nearly 50 years ago when we were formed as the Australian Quadriplegic Association.
1 Jennifer Street Little Bay . T 02 9661 8855.