Find contact details for people and services relevant to the SpinalHub community. You can suggest contacts and we'll post it on this page.

Transport and Travel



Caravans designed for people in wheelchairs by people in wheelchairs.

PO Box 291 Olinda . T 0417 584 988.
AQA Spire

Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.

Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.

  • Peer Support
  • Mentoring
  • WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
  • Country Community Networks
440 Heidelberg Road Fairfield . T (03) 9489 0777.

Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.

Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.

  • Peer Support
  • Mentoring
  • WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
  • Country Community Networks
440 Heidelberg Road Fairfield . T (03) 9489 0777.
TravAbility provides expertise in inclusive tourism and accessible world travel.
17 Wells Street Frankston . T 03 9781 3733.

New South Wales

Easy Access Guide Australia
Easy Access Australia is a travel guide to accessible travel in Australia and was last revised and published in 2000. The website contains some information on accessible accommodation in Sydney.
Bruce Cameron Sydney .
SCIA (Spinal Cord Injuries Australia)

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is all about promoting independence, and continues today with a proud history of providing consumer based support to people with physical disabilities. Our journey began nearly 50 years ago when we were formed as the Australian Quadriplegic Association.

Administration, Services, Geo & Data
1 Jennifer Street Little Bay .
T 02 9661 8855.


Flashcab Rentals

Wheelchair accessible vehicle rentals.

Operating in Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Adelaide. Coming to Melbourne soon. . T 1300 352 742. F 07 5594 9300.

Australian Capital Territory


Nican is information on recreation, tourism, sport and the arts for people with disAbilities and supports an Australian society where any recreational opportunity values diversity, supports freedom and choice and strengthens inclusive communities.

Unit 5, 48 Brookes Street Mitchell . T 1800 806 769.