Find contact details for people and services relevant to the SpinalHub community. You can suggest contacts and we'll post it on this page.

Work and Leisure


Access for all Abilities

Access for All Abilities is a Victorian Government initiative coordinated by Sport and Recreation Victoria. Access for All Abilities providers are professionals working at a community level to develop inclusive sport and recreation opportunities for people of all abilities.

Community Access Unit, Sport and Recreation Victoria
PO Box 2392 Melbourne .
T (03) 9935 8031.
The Able Management Group (AMG) is a not-for-profit, membership-based charitable organisation dedicated to providing sporting and recreational opportunities to people with disabilities so that they may develop their abilities in the Alpine area.
The Great Alpine Road Harrietville . T 5759 2584.
AQA Spire

Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.

Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.

  • Peer Support
  • Mentoring
  • WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
  • Country Community Networks
440 Heidelberg Road Fairfield . T (03) 9489 0777.
CRS Australia

CRS Australia is a Disability Employment Service. Their role is to assist someone with a disability to get and keep a job.

Various, Statewide and national . T 1800 277 277 .
Department of Education & Training Government Department Melbourne . T 1300 566 046.
Disability Sport and Recreation
Disability Sport & Recreation provides and promotes sport and recreation opportunities for people with disabilities throughout Victoria.
341 George Street Fitzroy . T 9473 0133.
Disabled Wintersport Australia
The purpose of DWA is to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to enjoy winter sports and to enjoy the magnificent environment that is Australia's Alpine country with fellow skiers.
Ross House
247-251 Flinders Lane Melbourne .
T 0406 367 899 .
Dive Unlimited

Here at DiveUnlimited our aim is to provide quality scuba diving instruction to anyone in Perth, Western Australia, willing to have a go, we specialise in teaching people with disabilities and keep our group sizes small with no more than 2 divers per course.

Contact www Australia .
Parallel Sports

Parallel Sports Club is a self help association that connects people with physical disabilities to sporting clubs.
Parallel Sports Club offers a variety of sporting programs and services that target the specific needs of physically disabled people.

N/A Geelong . T 0427 442 909.
Respite Victoria
Respite Victoria links you to the 8 regional disability and recreation websites in Victoria. Each regional website links you to the Respite Finder search (local and statewide), and has specific local information, news and events about respite and recreation opportunities.
Respite Victoria Statwide .
Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria

Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria (RDAV) is a voluntary, nonprofit organisation which provides opportunities for anyone with a disability to enjoy safe, healthy, stimulating, therapeutic, horse-related activities in Australia.

400 Epsom Road Flemington . T 03 9258 4265.

The aim of Sailability is to introduce people of all ages and abilities to the joys of sailing in a straightforward, fun, inexpensive way in a supportive environment.

Unit 2, 77 Beach Rd Sandringham . T 03 9597 0066.

Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.

Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.

  • Peer Support
  • Mentoring
  • WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
  • Country Community Networks
440 Heidelberg Road Fairfield . T (03) 9489 0777.
Victorian Volunteer Portal
Victoria's Volunteering Portal is an online community and information resource for Victorian volunteers and volunteering organisations.
Level 13, 1 Spring Street Melbourne . T 9208 3353.
Wise Employment
WISE Employment is a not-for-profit community service organisation, committed to assisting people with a disability and disadvantaged members of the community through employment and support services. WISE are registered as a Disability Employment Service.
552 Victoria Street North Melbourne . T 8329 8800.

New South Wales

AgrAbility Australia is an informal, peer support network of farmers who have suffered severe injury or disabling illness, and continue to seek and find solutions which enables them to be productive in their farm endeavours.
P.O. Box 256 Moree . T (02) 6752 8210.

D-ability is an online arts, leisure, health and sports guide, providing a place to discover life\'s possibilities beyond disability.

Disabled Surfers Association
The Disabled Surfers Association provides opportunities for people to experience or return to surfing in a supportive, fun environment.
PO Box 345 The Entrance . T (02) 4358 2843.
SCIA (Spinal Cord Injuries Australia)

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is all about promoting independence, and continues today with a proud history of providing consumer based support to people with physical disabilities. Our journey began nearly 50 years ago when we were formed as the Australian Quadriplegic Association.

Administration, Services, Geo & Data
1 Jennifer Street Little Bay .
T 02 9661 8855.

Australian Capital Territory

Centrelink Employment Services
Centrelink employment services provides information on and access to services and programs in relation to work and study for people with an illness, injury or disability.
Various Various .

Western Australia

Job Access
JobAccess is a federally funded service that can provide expert advice about help and workplace solutions for the employment of people with disability.
PO Box 510 Subiaco . T 1800 464 800 .