
Maintaining your wheelchair is relatively easy, and because it will save you a lot of time and trouble in the future, it’s important and worthwhile to do it regularly. Keeping your wheelchair in its best working order will make it safe for you, and prolong its life.

An Environmental Control is a piece of equipment that enables a person with a physical disability to independently control items in their environment.

Computer and phone technology available in Australia can be of great assistance to people with a spinal cord injury.

Technical Aid to the Disabled, Victoria (TADVIC) is a volunteer organisation that can help you with custom equipment to help you through your day, or in your work or recreation.

Like all vehicles and mechanical items, wheelchairs can breakdown. If you are on your own or out and about in the community it can be difficult to repair punctures, flat batteries and mechanical failures.

The correct cushion is invaluable in assisting with good posture, balance, comfort, function and pressure distribution when using a wheelchair.

When the term 'Seating System' is used, this refers to your wheelchair, cushion, back support and any features that your wheelchair has that can adjust the way you sit.