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What is a Spinal Cord Injury?


AQA Spire

Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.

Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.

  • Peer Support
  • Mentoring
  • WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
  • Country Community Networks
440 Heidelberg Road Fairfield . T (03) 9489 0777.
Spinal Clinical Research Liaison Officers – Victorian Spinal Cord Service

The Victorian Spinal Cord Service is proud to support and undertake important clinical research that will help to further improve outcomes for people with Spinal Cord Injury.
For information about current research activities, please contact the research liaison officers.

Janette Alexander and Melinda Millard
Austin Health Heidelberg .
T 9496 5906.

Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.

Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.

  • Peer Support
  • Mentoring
  • WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
  • Country Community Networks
440 Heidelberg Road Fairfield . T (03) 9489 0777.
Step Ahead Australia
Step Ahead Australia are a not for profit, charitable organisation whose aim is to bring together the components necessary to achieve a cure for chronic spinal cord injury.
PO Box 1048 Traralgon . T (03) 5174 7299.
Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service

The Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service caters for children and adolescents who require specialist interdisciplinary rehabilitation. This rehabilitation may be as an inpatient at The Royal Children’s Hospital or Monash Medical Centre or within the community at all sites. More information is available on the website.

Royal Children\'s Hospital
50 Flemington Road Parkville .
T 03 9345 5283. F 03 9345 5913.
Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service

The Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service caters for children and adolescents who require specialist interdisciplinary rehabilitation. This rehabilitation may be as an inpatient at The Royal Children’s Hospital or Monash Medical Centre or within the community at all sites. More information is available on the website.

Southern Health - Monash Children\'s
246 Clayton Road Clayton .
T 03 9594 4001. F 03 9594 6136.
Victorian Spinal Cord Service, Spinal Rehabilitation Facility, Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre

The Victorian Spinal Cord Service at Austin Health is one of six such specialist services in Australia. It provides acute management & rehabilitation for people who sustain traumatic and some non-traumatic spinal cord injuries from Victoria, Tasmania and the Riverina of NSW. It forms part of Victoria’s State Trauma System.

It provides inpatient and outpatient services at the Austin Hospital and Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre in addition to a range of clinic and community based services. It works in close partnership with specialist units within Austin Health and with community service providers.

1 Yarra Boulevard Kew . T 9490 7261.

New South Wales

SCIA (Spinal Cord Injuries Australia)

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is all about promoting independence, and continues today with a proud history of providing consumer based support to people with physical disabilities. Our journey began nearly 50 years ago when we were formed as the Australian Quadriplegic Association.

Administration, Services, Geo & Data
1 Jennifer Street Little Bay .
T 02 9661 8855.
Spinal Cure Australia
Spinal Cure Australia is a not for profit, charitable organisation whose primary aim is to end the permanence of paralysis caused by spinal cord injury.
L3 Westfield Towers, 100 William St East Sydney . T 1800-SPINAL 1800-774625.
Spinal Network

The Spinal Cord Injury Network was established in 2008 to provide leadership for spinal cord injury research and treatment strategies, facilitate more effective clinical trials in spinal cord injury and improve translation of basic and clinical research into evidence-based practice.

PO Box 1067 Glebe . T (02) 9029 5220.