Find contact details for people and services relevant to the SpinalHub community. You can suggest contacts and we'll post it on this page.
How to Keep Healthy
Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.
Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.
- Peer Support
- Mentoring
- WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
- Country Community Networks
Lifeline connects people with care by providing services in Suicide Prevention, Crisis Support anf Mental Health Support.
MI Fellowship is a not-for-profit, member-based organisation providing support to almost 5000 people a year and reaching many more through advocacy and community education work.
276 Heidelberg Road Fairfield . T 03 8486 4200.
The Victorian Spinal Cord Service is proud to support and undertake important clinical research that will help to further improve outcomes for people with Spinal Cord Injury.
For information about current research activities, please contact the research liaison officers.
Austin Health Heidelberg . T 9496 5906.
The SOS consists of a Nurse, Occupational Therapist and a Physiotherapist.
Its objectives are to:
- reduce the risks of developing complications associated with SCI
- prevent an admission to Austin Health as a result of complications
- prevent emergency presentations to Austin Health as a result of complications
- increase planned admissions
- increase use of DTC reviews
- increase referrals to HITH & other treatment option
- better understand complication risk factors associated with SCI
- build a better understanding in the community of SCI and ongoing management
Studley Road Heideberg . T 03 9496 5351.
Spire was launched in 2015 as a brand of peer-facilitated supports and resources for people with Spinal Cord Injury to help them tackle issues of life. Spire is about supporting people to connect; network, contribute, participate and build community around life with SCI.
Spire brings the perspective of those with lived experience of SCI to the community; everything we do and say is informed, resourced and facilitated by people with real lived experience of SCI and what is important to them.
- Peer Support
- Mentoring
- WOT Days (latest info & equipment expo at Talbot)
- Country Community Networks
Free professional anonymous support twenty four hours a day seven days a week across Victoria.
New South Wales
The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and community oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder.
Prince of Wales Hospital Randwick . T 02 9382 4530.
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is all about promoting independence, and continues today with a proud history of providing consumer based support to people with physical disabilities. Our journey began nearly 50 years ago when we were formed as the Australian Quadriplegic Association.
1 Jennifer Street Little Bay . T 02 9661 8855.
Therapy - Seating Personal/Clinical Care to reduce pressure injuries